Category Archives: Programming

PHP connect to MySQL Database

How To Connect to a MySQL Database using PHP Script

So you think you can dance.. err… program? You want to build a website, not a plain static site using only HTML programming language, but a dynamic one where you will be able to store data. Remember that even blogs like this one use PHP/MySQL. All your user’s input, comments, feedbacks, contact info essential for your business to follow up on them, is stored in a database. You will have access to this database and run queries to extract your needed data.
These are our weapons: Apache Server, PHP knowledge, MySQL. Let’s start this step-by-step tutorial.


Hide Typed Data – Password Field

We all see those fields that mask (or hide) data while you type, specifically Password Fields. Each character you type is replaced with a symbol, tipycally an asterisk or a small circle (depending on the browser you’re using).

We all know what they are, why they’re useful (keeping sensitive data such as your password from prying eyes), but have you ever wondered how to create one? Well, today I’m going to provide a step-by-step guide on how to create…

Display An Alert Box On Your Web Page

How to display an alert box to users, showing additional information or a simple message.

The alert() statement generates a message box with the message you specify, and an OK button to close the box. The alert box takes the focus away from the current window, and forces the browser to read the message. The user cannot continue viewing your web pages until the box is closed.

The following JavaScript code is to be placed in the body section of your web page, positioned wherever you’d like it to appear:

Displaying Last Modification Date

Display information about the last time your web page was modified.

Displaying the last modified date and time of a web page is important for a web page with changing content.

A small line of JavaScript code will generate the date and time that you last saved your web page. Usually this information appears at the bottom of the web page. JavaScript uses the document.write() method to generate text, and the document.lastModified property to store the date and time when you last saved your web page. The JavaScript code must be enclosed within a starting and ending script tag.

The date and time information that appears is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and it indicates when you last saved the web page on the web server.

Automatically Reload A Web Page

Web Designers needing to have a particular page to auto-reload, can easily accomplish such task just by adding a meta tag within the head section.

A web page containing dynamic content (weather, news, etc.) can change periodically. Refreshing the page ensures that users can see the most recent information.

Place a meta tag within the head section,
set the http-equiv attribute to a value of refresh,
then set the content attribute to the number of seconds you want the web page to automatically refresh.

HTML – Dynamic Background Colors

HTML Tips & Tricks – Change background colors at the push of a button.
Here is a way to let users change the background color of your web page. You can create buttons using the input tag with the type attribute set to button. Then, assign the JavaScript code that changes the background color to the one set by the button. The color of the background is stored in the JavaScript variable document.bgColor.
